divendres, 9 de maig del 2008

To know more... look our blog!

Hi we are Maria Brunsó and Jordi Costa. Welcome to our blog! In this project we talk about global warming. We chose and watched the film The Day After Tomorrow to know more about it.

This turm we've been doing a lot of activites about the change in our climate. We made some blogs to do the diferent activities. In the blogs you can find interviews, dialogues, biographies, news about the topic, and many other activities. One of the activities in this english project was to record a scene from the film. Then we dicided changed the film, because in the Day After Tomorrow we couldn't find any suitable scene. We chose Mr and Mrs Smith film.
We enjoyed this project a lot!! Cause we like learned englsih while watch a film, record a dialogue, represent a scene... Oh, it's very very cool!!
And we realised how importnat the global warming efects are.